Jump to: Global Track | Regional Track | Program Highlights | Eligibility | Application Timeline | How to Apply | Mentor
EMERGE: A Program Supporting Our Future Leaders in Marine Technology
The EMERGE program is designed to provide networking opportunities and foster professional skill development for students and early-career ocean professionals (ECOPs). A core component of the EMERGE Program is the pairing of each participant with a mentor. EMERGE Mentors, as dedicated volunteers, play a pivotal role in guiding participants throughout the OCEANS 2025 Great Lakes conference, facilitating the expansion of professional networks, and having constructive conversations to guide future endeavors.
This year, EMERGE offers two participation tracks to ensure accessibility and engagement for a dynamic cohort of students and ECOPs:
Global Track
- Open to individuals globally who are MTS members.
- Includes travel support to attend the OCEANS 2025 conference.
- National participants will engage in yearlong program activities, including mentorship, virtual sessions, and professional development opportunities.
Regional Track
- Open to individuals residing in the Great Lakes region, including non-MTS members.
- Registration fees for the OCEANS 2025 conference are covered, though participants are responsible for travel, lodging, and meal costs.
- Regional participants will engage in all yearlong program activities, including mentorship, virtual sessions, and professional development opportunities.
Both tracks are designed to cultivate leadership, networking, and professional skills while enhancing participants’ involvement in marine technology and science.
Program Highlights
This year, EMERGE will include:
- Four professional development webinars addressing key skills and career pathways.
- Monthly touchpoints with the cohort to ensure ongoing engagement and support.
- Mentorship opportunities tailored to individual goals.
- Support to attend the OCEANS 2025 Great Lakes Conference.
"The EMERGE program met all my expectations. My mentor introduced me to other researchers in my field of research and provided numerous networking opportunities at the conference."
- Stephan O'Brien | 2023 EMERGE Participant | University of South Florida
Post-secondary students (e.g., undergraduate and graduate) and ECOPs (i.e., no more than 10 years from your last degree) that are current members of the Marine Technology Society (student membership cost $25 per year; ECOP membership cost $50 per year).
MTS strongly encourages underrepresented members of the marine technology community to apply.
Participation in the EMERGE program requires attendance at the OCEANS conference. All student and ECOP participants applying to the program must get approval from their advisor (students) or employer (ECOPs) that they will be able to attend.
Application Timeline (deadline March 18, 2025):
- January 22, 2025: Applications Open
- March 25, 2025 (EXTENDED): Applications Close
- First week of May 2025: Notification of acceptance
How to Apply
All applicants are required to upload and submit the following with the EMERGE application:
- General Information: Information about yourself, including a list of relevant courses / classes.
- EMERGE Essay: Provide a statement of up to 500 words detailing your interest or past involvement in marine technology, your reasons for wanting to join the EMERGE program, and how it aligns with your long-term goals to support your advancement.
- Marine Activities Statement: Describe your involvement in marine-related activities such as volunteering, conferences, environmental programs, research projects, or service to your country, detailing your role and its connection to marine technology, engineering, or science.
- Honors and Awards (optional): List any awards, honors, or academic achievements from the past two years, such as Dean’s List, Science Fair Awards, or National Merit Scholar, in a bulleted format of up to 200 words.
- Letter of Recommendation: From a teacher, counselor, professor, advisor, co-op, or internship supervisor who can speak to your experience in a marine-related context, including research conducted.
- Letter of Reference/EMERGE Character Reference: From someone you know who IS NOT a teacher, counselor, advisor, or professor. This letter is highlighting the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person applying for the EMERGE program. Suggestions are a neighbor, family friend, or volunteer supervisor/coordinator, but NOT a parent or immediate family member.
- Unofficial Transcripts: If an active student, you will be required to submit your unofficial transcript.
Please upload the letters on the form. If the person drafting the letter prefers, they can also send it directly to our email at [email protected].
Mentor Opportunities
A core component of the EMERGE Program is the pairing of each participant with a mentor. EMERGE Mentors, as dedicated volunteers and MTS members, play a pivotal role in guiding participants throughout the OCEANS 2025 Great Lakes conference (September 29-October 2, 2025. Navy Pier), facilitating the expansion of professional networks, and having constructive conversations to guide future endeavors.
This yearlong program kicks off right before OCEANS 2025 Great Lakes Conference and concludes in 2026.
Why Mentor with EMERGE?
- Help young professionals navigate OCEANS 2025 Great Lakes
- Share your experience with students and ECOPS
- Meet new people and gain professional recognition
EMERGE Mentor Expectations Expectations placed on EMERGE Mentors are designed to fit into your schedule and ensure program integrity and safety:
- Virtual meetings with mentees
- 1 in-person connection at OCEANS Great Lakes
- Mandatory 2-hour safety training and biennial background checks
Interested in making a difference? Please complete the form to submit your application to be an EMERGE Mentor. Application reviews begin in April.