The EMERGE program is designed to provide networking opportunities and foster professional skill development for students and early-career ocean professionals (ECOPs). A core component of the EMERGE program is the pairing of each participant with a mentor. EMERGE mentors, as dedicated volunteers, play a pivotal role in guiding participants throughout the OCEANS conference, facilitating the expansion of professional networks, and having constructive conversations to guide future endeavors. 

The yearlong program encompasses virtual convenings, in-person engagement at the OCEANS 2024 Conference, and concludes with meaningful connections in the marine technology community. 

NOW OPEN: MTS is sponsoring ten (10) individuals from the local community to attend the OCEANS Conference by covering their registration expenses. The 2024 OCEANS Conference will take place in Halifax, Canada, from September 23-26, 2024. Local participants will be teamed up with both a mentor and an EMERGE participant enrolled in MTS's year-long EMERGE program. Together, they will actively participate in the OCEANS Conference, fostering networking opportunities and meaningful engagement. Early-Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) who are local to Halifax are invited to apply. ECOPs are defined as individuals within ten years of completing their last degree. Learn more and click here to apply. Deadline to apply is July 25, 2024 - extended


Virtual Kick Off Meeting: June 2024
EMERGE Virtual Meetup: August 2024
OCEANS 2024 Halifax (In person): September 2024
EMERGE Virtual Meetup: November 2024
Professional Development Webinar: Spring 2025


"The EMERGE program met all my expectations. My mentor introduced me to other researchers in my field of research and provided numerous networking opportunities at the conference."   

- Stephan O'Brien | 2023 EMERGE Participant | University of South Florida 


Post-secondary students (e.g., undergraduate and graduate) and ECOPs (i.e., no more than 10 years from your last degree) that are current members of the Marine Technology Society (student membership cost $25 per year; ECOP membership cost $50 per year).

MTS strongly encourages underrepresented members of the marine technology community to apply. 

Participation in the EMERGE program requires attendance at the OCEANS conference. All student and ECOP participants applying to the program must get approval from their advisor (students) or employer (ECOPs) that they will be able to attend. 

The 2024 OCEANS Halifax meeting will be in Canada. Depending on your location, international travel may be necessary to attend the conference. If you have any questions or encounter challenges accessing a passport, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for assistance. 


Applications for the 2024 year long EMERGE program has closed. However, there are still exciting opportunities available through the EMERGE program.

NOW OPEN: MTS is sponsoring ten (10) individuals from the local community to attend the OCEANS Conference by covering their registration expenses. Learn more and click here to applyDeadline to apply is July 25, 2024 - extended.