Awards and Honors Header

Nomination Instructions & Requirements

Jump To: Compass Distinguished Achievement Award | Compass Organizational Excellence Award | John P. Craven Mentor Award | Walter Munk Scholar Award and Commemorative Lecture | Captain Don Walsh Award for Ocean Exploration | Ocean News and Technology Early Career Ocean Professional Award | MTS Special Commendation and Award | MTS Fellow  


Presented to any individual who has sustained a career marked by achievements that have had significant impact on the fields of marine science and technology; open to those from any country or territory. MTS Membership is not a prerequisite. The recipient will be awarded a plaque of recognition and bestowed with a lifetime membership to MTS. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Only one completed nomination form will be accepted for each candidate. If a completed nomination form has already been accepted for your candidate, you will be notified. Only the information requested on this form will be used in the review of your candidate. Complete nomination packets are due by May 31.

Required Information

  • Your contact information
  • Contact information of nominee
  • Statement of Nomination reflecting the nominee’s qualifications in one or more of the following categories. Each qualification must be justified below (2,000 characters or less per qualification, including spaces):
    • Advances in Research
    • Advances in Development
    • Advances in Design
    • Advances in Manufacturing
    • Contributions to Education
    • Contributions to Administration in Academia, Government, or Non-governmental Organizations
    • Contributions to Communications, Public Understanding of Technology and/or Technology Policy
    • Contributions to Public Service
  • Optional: You may upload a cover letter in support of your nomination. The nomination process is competitive. Please be sure to include enough information about your nominee to provide the Awards Nominating Committee with a complete description of your nominee and his/her/their accomplishments.



Presented to a company, government agency, program, or non-profit organization for outstanding contributions to the advancement of marine science and technology; open to those from any country or territory. MTS Membership is not a prerequisite. The recipient will be awarded a plaque of recognition. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Only one completed nomination form will be accepted for each candidate. If a completed nomination form has already been accepted for your candidate, you will be notified. Only the information requested on this form will be used in the review of your candidate. Complete nomination packets are due by May 31.

Required Information

  • Your contact information
  • Contact information of nominee
  • Statement of Nomination reflecting the nominee’s qualifications in one or more of the following categories. Each qualification must be justified below (2,000 characters or less per qualification, including spaces):
    • Advances in Research
    • Advances in Development
    • Advances in Design
    • Advances in Manufacturing
    • Contributions to Education
    • Contributions to Administration in Academia, Government, or Non-governmental Organizations
    • Contributions to Communications, Public Understanding of Technology and/or Technology Policy
    • Contributions to Public Service
  • Optional: You may upload a cover letter in support of your nomination. The nomination process is competitive. Please be sure to include enough information about your nominee to provide the Awards Nominating Committee with a complete description of your nominee and his/her/their accomplishments.


This award is presented to any established MTS Mentor invoking the long and impactful career of John Pina Craven. It recognizes an MTS member who has demonstrated outstanding and sustained service to the field of marine technology through mentoring and is open to those from any country or territory. The recipient will be awarded a plaque of recognition and a lifetime membership to MTS. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Only one completed nomination form will be accepted for each candidate. If a completed nomination form has already been accepted for your candidate, you will be notified. Only the information requested on this form will be used in the review of your candidate. Complete nomination packets are due by May 31.

Required Information

  • Your contact information
  • Contact information of nominee
  • Statement reflecting the duration and effectiveness of the nominee’s mentoring activities (4,000 characters or less, including spaces)
  • Three letters of support and supporters’ contact information
The nomination process is competitive. Please be sure to include enough information about your nominee to provide the Awards Nominating Committee with a complete description of your nominee and his/her/their accomplishments. 



Oceanographer Walter Munk was renowned for his significant contributions to the field of oceanography, which included pioneering work on predicting wave and surf conditions, underwater sound propagation, internal waves, and development of acoustic tomography. Established in 2019, the Walter Munk Scholar Award, jointly sponsored by the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans (WMFO) and MTS, pays tribute to Walter Munk's legacy of bold exploration and breakthroughs in ocean scientific and technological research, ocean education, or ocean conservation. This accolade acknowledges a scholar’s exceptional contributions in areas aligned with the mission of the sponsoring organizations and is open to individuals currently enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral program from any country or territory. MTS Membership is not a prerequisite. The recipient will be honored with a plaque recognition piece and requested to perform a webinar on their contributions. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Only one completed nomination form will be accepted for each candidate. If a completed nomination form has already been accepted for your candidate, you will be notified. Only the information requested on this form will be used in the review of your candidate. Complete nomination packets are due by May 31.

Required Information

  • Your contact information
  • Contact information of nominee
  • Nominee CV
  • Statement of Nomination reflecting on the nominee’s contribution to the development, application, and propagation of marine technology toward the advancement of ocean exploration (4,000 characters or fewer, including spaces)
  • Three letters of support and contact information for supporters
The nomination process is competitive. Please be sure to include enough information about your nominee to provide the Awards Nominating Committee with a complete description of your nominee and his/her/their accomplishments.



Conferred collaboratively by MTS and the Society for Underwater Technology, this accolade acknowledges exceptional and ongoing international contributions to the development, application, and dissemination of marine technology for the progress of ocean exploration. It is open to individuals from any country or territory. It's important to note that this award does not signify a lifetime achievement recognition. MTS Membership is not a prerequisite and self-nominations are accepted. The recipient will receive framed photographs of Captain Don Walsh, a challenge coin, and a lifetime membership to MTS. 

Don Walsh (1931-2023) was an American oceanographer, explorer, retired naval officer, and marine policy specialist. He and Jacques Piccard were aboard the bathyscaphe Trieste when it made a record descent into the Mariana Trench on January 23, 1960. 

Only one completed nomination form will be accepted for each candidate. If a completed nomination form has already been accepted for your candidate, you will be notified. Only the information requested on this form will be used in the review of your candidate. Complete nomination packets are due by May 31.

Required Information

  • Your contact information
  • Contact information of nominee
  • Nominee CV
  • Statement of Nomination reflecting on the nominee’s contribution to the development, application, and propagation of marine technology toward the advancement of ocean exploration (4,000 characters or fewer, including spaces)
  • Optional - You may upload an additional file to provide further information beyond the Statement of Nomination already submitted. This is encouraged and could include a letter of support, additional information about nominee, etc.
The nomination process is competitive. Please be sure to include enough information about your nominee to provide the Awards Nominating Committee with a complete description of your nominee and his/her/their accomplishments.



Presented to an individual within 10 years of their last degree or designation, who is an MTS member in good standing, who has shown leadership in MTS, and who works in a professional capacity in management, engineering, or research and development in a marine technology field; open to those from any country or territory. The recipient will be awarded a plaque of recognition, $1,000 honorarium, and a two-year membership to MTS. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Only one completed nomination form will be accepted for each candidate. If a completed nomination form has already been accepted for your candidate, you will be notified. Only the information requested on this form will be used in the review of your candidate. Complete nomination packets are due by May 31.

Required Information

  • Your contact information
  • Contact information of nominee
  • Qualifications - choose only those areas that apply. Please note that the relative strength of a nomination is not determined by the number of boxes checked. Limit the selection of qualifications to areas where the candidate’s contributions are outstanding. You will be required to provide a statement of justification for each qualification you select from the list below (2,000 characters or less, including spaces, per qualification selected):
    • Leadership in MTS
    • Advances in Research
    • Advances in Development
    • Advances in Design
    • Advances in Manufacturing
    • Contributions to Education
    • Contributions to Administration in Academia, Government or Non-governmental organizations
    • Contributions to Communications, Public Understanding of Technology and/or Technology Policy
    • Contributions to Public Service
  • Letter of nomination
The nomination process is competitive. Please be sure to include enough information about your nominee to provide the Awards Nominating Committee with a complete description of your nominee and his/her/their accomplishments.



This award is presented to an individual, group, or organization in recognition of outstanding accomplishments leading to significant advances in marine affairs and/or fulfilling the objectives and missions of MTS. Special MTS commendations may include outstanding individual Section, Committee, and Student Section contributions to the Society and open to those from any country or territory. The recipient will be awarded a plaque of recognition. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Only one completed nomination form will be accepted for each candidate. If a completed nomination form has already been accepted for your candidate, you will be notified. Only the information requested on this form will be used in the review of your candidate. Complete nomination packets are due by May 31.

Required Information

  • Your contact information
  • Contact information of nominee
  • Qualifications - choose only those areas that apply. Please note that the relative strength of a nomination is not determined by the number of boxes checked. Limit the selection of qualifications to areas where the candidate’s contributions are outstanding. You will be required to provide a statement of justification for each qualification you select from the list below (2,000 characters or less, including spaces, per qualification selected):
    • Advances in Research, Development, Design, or Manufacturing
    • Contributions to Education
    • Contributions to Administration in Academia, Government, or Non-Governmental Organizations
    • Contributions to Communications and/or Public Understanding of Technology and/or Technology Policy
    • Contributions to Public Service
    • Contributions to the Society
  • Letter of nomination
The nomination process is competitive. Please be sure to include enough information about your nominee to provide the Awards Nominating Committee with a complete description of your nominee and his/her/their accomplishments.



Designation as an MTS Fellow is one of the highest industry accolades. Since 1975, this title has been awarded to MTS members who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the Society's objectives and who have distinguished accomplishments in their professional fields; open to those from any country or territory. Nominees must be a current MTS member in any membership category, a MTS member in good standing for at least five years, and be sponsored by at least three MTS members in good standing, one of which shall be a fellow. The Nomination must be supported by documentation that justifies selection, including a citation that highlights the nominee’s substantive volunteer contributions to MTS over a period of at least five years as well as their impact on the marine profession. Please be sure to verify the membership status and contact information for all three sponsors prior to filling out the nomination. Recipients will receive a crystal recognition piece. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nomination Overview

  • Nominee must be a current MTS member in any membership category and have been an MTS member in good standing for at least five (5) years.
  • Nominee must be sponsored (nominated) by at least three (3) MTS members in good standing, one of which shall be a fellow. Sponsors’ signatures are required. The primary sponsor completes this form. The second and third sponsors provide their contact information.
  • This Primary Sponsor Form must be accompanied by the nominee’s resume/ biographical material.
  • This Primary Sponsor Form and all supporting material, including biographical material, must be submitted by the primary sponsor. Complete nomination applications and the Second Sponsor and Third Sponsor Forms must be submitted online no later than May 31. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • Nomination packages are valid for one year only.
  • Rejected nominations may be reconsidered the following year.
  • Nomination packages are considered final once submitted.
  • A cover letter is recommended.

Application Components

  • Your contact information
  • Your nominee’s contact information
  • Nominee’s biographical information (resume or CV)
  • Nominee’s contributions
    • Service to the Marine Technology Society is weighted heavily in the evaluation of the nominee.
    • Check only those areas that apply to the nominee. (There is little correlation between evaluation and number of areas checked.)
    • On a separate sheet(s), justify each selected area with information and examples. Please limit each response to no more than 2,000 characters, including spaces, per selected area.
      • Service to the Marine Technology Society
      • Research
      • Teaching
      • Technology
      • Service to other professional societies
      • Administration in academia, industry, government, or other
      • Communication and interpretation of science, technology, or policy to the public
  • Contact information for 3 sponsors (including self)